Winterbore Curly Kale
Kale is rich in antioxidants, and packed with vitamins A, E, K, and B, especially folate. It has a fair amount of protein and iron, and has more vitamin C than other leafy greens. It’s also high in fiber, and has more calcium, gram for gram, than a cup of milk. Researchers have even found that the phytochemicals in Kale may inhibit cancer cell growth. It is important to note that you shouldn’t overdo it with raw Kale because, like other cruciferous vegetables, it contains small amounts of substances that can affect the function of our thyroid gland. These substances become inactive with cooking, so if you have existing thyroid problems, then it’s safest to stick to cooked Kale. Most of us are fine if we stick to modest amounts of raw Kale, such as a handful, even on a daily basis.