Three Sisters Garden - Recipes & News
Roasted Poblano Butternut Soup
Posted by Tracey Vowell on
My mention in the newsletter of what I was having for dinner a few nights ago really stirred some interest. Since we harvested a few more poblanos today from the last handful of plants in the hoop-house, here is the basic recipe. With any recipe I may provide, please feel free to make it your own. Feeling the need to add a handful of shiitakes? Have at it. Have some herbs in your yard or garden? Feel free to add what moves you. Whatever comes to mind. It is not necessarily wrong, just because it is not in the recipe. If you've read...
My Simple Labor Day Grill Session
Posted by Tracey Vowell on
For the entire time I have been farming, we have worked through just about every Monday holiday. This year is no exception, so Sunday was my Labor Day. As I am preparing for a houseful of new windows on Thursday, I opted to use my grill instead of my kitchen, waylaying having a mess to clean up, while allowing me to still make myself a pretty spectacular meal. I gather wood around the farm, and always have a supply of pecan shells in the cooler, for smoking. So, I lit the grill, and once things got going, I roasted a handful of...
Apex of Summer Salad
Posted by Tracey Vowell on
As we are at something of an apex moment out here on the farm, and today has been hot, with more to come tomorrow. I picked up one of the smallest cantaloupes, a red onion, and a hot wax pepper. Harvested tomatoes rest in the cool of our corn milling shed, so I stepped in there and picked up a handful of cherry tomatoes. Walking along the edge of the garden, I snagged a branch each of lemon verbena, and chocolate mint. I then hauled everything into the kitchen, where I added an ear of already roasted and cooled sweet...
Help Froggy Meadows
Posted by Tracey Vowell on
We are officially in drought, and although here, we are managing ok so far, many of you who are Green City customers may know, and love, someone who is suffering greatly. Jerry Boone, of Froggy Meadows Farm near Beloit WI, has never had a well, and has pretty much relied on rain and groundwater as his water source for his farm. I hear it has been 4 months since he saw anything fall from the sky, that following a winter with very little snowfall. Jerry is very much at risk, and it will be a terrible loss to lose him, and...
Roasted Spring Alliums
Posted by Tracey Vowell on
1-2 tablespoons ( in my house) lard from pastured hogs, but coconut or olive oil would be a fine substitute 2 pieces green garlic 5-6 larger spring onions 4-5 sprigs of thyme and/or savory 1 dried cayenne 3-4 garlic scapes Follow the links above to purchase the ingredients for this recipe directly from our farm. Heat the oven to 325 degrees. I use a small gratin pan, but a skillet will work too. Set your pan over medium high heat on the stovetop, cut the white, hopefully somewhat knobbed ends off the onions. Remove and discard the root end, and add...